To celebrate the launch of the Vale Rail Trails app we are inviting you to take part in a festival of cycling lasting until the end of July. You can organise your own groups to ride one of the routes on a day that suits you all. Once you’ve completed the ride submit your results and you’ll receive a bespoke Vale Rail Trails medal! It’s a chance to try out the app, enjoy the amazing vale Rail Trails routes and to support the local charity Cardiac Rehab.
How it Works
Step 1 – ENTER
Enter the challenge online.
Click here on a mobile device to download the app.

Step 3 – RIDE
Choose a route and get out on your bike and ride between now and 31st July 2021.
Step 4 – REPEAT
Repeat Step 3! You can ride as many or as few of the routes as you like. Please note: only one medal per entry.
Step 5 – RESULTS
Submit your results. We’ll send you an email with a link to claim your ride. If you kept a record of your time, you can submit this too, but that’s optional. Fill out the form once for each route you complete. There will be a list of results published on the website, but you can remain anonymous if you wish.
At the end of the challenge you’ll receive your wooden medal in the post, engraved with the “Evesham Vale Rail Trails” logo. Well done!
Charity Partner
Money raised from the event will be donated to Evesham Vale Cardiac Rehab, a local charity providing a facility for survivors of heart attacks, and those who have undergone heart surgery, to recover full fitness, gain confidence and return to playing a full part in society.
About Cycle Evesham Vale
Evesham CycleFest began in 2014 as a fundraiser for the Bell Tower appeal and featuring a sponsored Big Ride to London, CycleFest now raises funds for Cycle Evesham Vale and its chosen charity partner of the year. Cycle Evesham Vale was formed in 2015, to promote and advocate for cycling in the Vale of Evesham. Running monthly social cycle rides, Easy Rider groups, working with local, district, county and national government bodies to make cycling a priority, and encouraging cyclotourism in the Vale, CEV is a totally voluntary group with no charges for participation.The aim of CEV is to ‘Get more bums on bikes’ – and CycleFest is just one of the ways we hope to do that. If you’d like to know more, visit our website, facebook or drop us an email – we’re always happy to chat!